
Today marks the four year anniversary that the love of my life, mother, grandmother, and our family matriarch lost her battle with Alzheimer’s disease. She was a creative, loving, giving person, who touched many lives in so many ways. I could spend hours extolling her many  virtues. Our entire family has struggled with the loss of this dynamic personality that we loved so much. The memories we share bring joy and laughter, and often times tears.                             

Several months passed, and we eventually decided to take our experiences with Alzheimer’s, and try to help other families, patients, and care givers dealing with this disease. The Memory Kit was the name we chose. Initially we created a book that would be used by care givers to better understand the needs of a person who could no longer speak for themselves. The last page of each book was titled, Caring for Me. It included lists of caring needs. Families and care givers we worked with felt this should be a separate care guide.

We followed their suggestions and Your Care Card was developed over several months. It is an App that can be downloaded from iTunes or Google Play for Android phones. It’s free, and currently being used by nearly three thousand families. It’s easy to use, just go to our home page                   

Remembering Molly Ann Martin Gray, with love.



